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David Hill Endorsed by Family Research Council Action PAC

David Hill Endorsed by Family Research Council Action PAC

Today, Family Research Council’s Action PAC, an organization that supports candidates for elected office who will defend religious liberty, family values, and the sanctity of human life, endorsed David Hill for Congress. According to a statement from Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. Boykin, the PAC’s Executive Vice President,

“FRC Action PAC is proud to endorse David Hill for Congress in Oklahoma’s 5th Congressional District. We have met with David, discussed important issues with him at length, and evaluated his positions. He is deeply committed to the values we hold dear. He is pro-life and will be an ardent defender of life in Congress. He also understands the essential role of strong families if our nation is to thrive. Furthermore, he has demonstrated his commitment to protecting religious freedom and our right to live out our deeply-held religious beliefs. David will fight for these issues in Congress and that is what our nation needs at this important time.”

David was honored by the endorsement, saying, “I’m incredibly proud to have FRC Action PAC’s strong support. Working together, we will stand with President Trump, defend the sanctity of life, and fight the radical Left’s ongoing assault on our religious liberty.”

During the last election cycle in Oklahoma, FRC Action PAC gave endorsements to Governor Kevin Stitt and Tulsa Congressman Kevin Hern, also known for their pro-life stances.